Thursday, April 26, 2012


Pinterest. It's the latest, greatest thing in the interwebs world. Sure, it's pretty cool. It gives you the ability to pin certain things to different boards, so you can easily go back and look at all the "gardening ideas" you found or the recipes you want to try. The recipe ideas is my favorite board catergory, because I used to always just bookmark recipes and would often have trouble going back to find certain ones. Pinterest lets you "bookmark" it with a picture, so it's much easier to get back to. With all of its greatness aside, Pinterest really annoys me.
Some things about it that annoy me are as follows:
  1. Seeing pin after pin with the comments stating; "Why didn't I think of that?", "must have", "trying this tonight!" and the ever present "genius!". 
    1. Not every fucking good idea is genius. Save that word for something that is really spectacular, not a god damn pin about closet organization.
    2. Q: Why didn't you think of that? A: Because you're probably a moron.
    3. Most of the time I don't believe you that you are "trying this tonight", because you probably aren't. Which leads me to #2
  2. How much of the stuff/recipes/crafts, etc... do you actually do? Sometimes I think the overzealous pinner just pins shit to make themselves look good. Go look at your boards, how many of those recipes have you actually attempted or will ever attempt? Reality check, isn't it?
  3. Re-pinners vs. Pinners- Which one you are says a lot about your character
    1. Are all of your pins "re-pins"? Do you ever actually find something on your own and pin it yourself or do you only follow the crowd? If you answered only re-pins, than you are a follower by nature.
    2. Don't get me wrong here, there is nothing wrong with re-pinning something. I do it; my friends can find some great stuff, but I don't only pin what other people pinned first. I know how to use the interwebs and find cool stuff all on my own.
  4. Pin stealers
    1. You know who you are. You see a cool pin from someone, follow the link and then pin it yourself to make it look like it was your original pin.
    2. If I pin something only to come back later and see that you "pinned" it too, but it wasn't a re-pin from me... bitch, I know where you got that idea from. Give credit where credit is due.
    3. And the credit wouldn't even be really due to me, it would be to whoever created said website, recipe, craft idea, etc.. But the fact that I may have found it and shared and then you "found" it from me and shared it like you were the one that tirelessly typed in words to a search engine and didn't give me credit for tirelessly typing in words to a search engine for it... you see how this site can be annoying? I get mad, because someone stole my idea that I stole from someone else... blah.
  5. Same ass pin over and over and over and over.
  6. Fattening Ass Recipes... or should I say Ass Fattening Recipes
    1. Some of the recipes people post online are so incredibly unhealthy and fattening it is almost unbelievable. Maybe I'm a bit of a health nut, but damnit if some of these recipes aren't the most artery-clogging shits I have ever seen!
    2. You think America is the most obese country in the world now, wait til people start actually making some of this shit they find on Pinterest and we are going to see heart attacks quadruple among the population in the next year.
    3. Seriously, I would like to do a legitimate scientific study to see if there is an increase in heart-related diseases and deaths since Pinterests inception. I'm sure the results will be astounding... oh wait, I forgot #2, hardly anyone actually tries the recipes they pin. There may be hope for us yet. 
Well, that's it. That's my rant on Pinterest. I truly love and hate the site. It does help me keep all the sites I find into a much more organized set-up as opposed to bookmarks. I'm a visual person, so I love that I can see what I'm looking for rather than searching through different categories of saved websites on a bookmarks tab. I will definitely keep using it, even if I do get slightly annoyed at some of the other pinners on there... I mean, I get slightly annoyed with a lot of people in the real world, so why should this be any different?

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