Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Once More With Feeling

Don't over think your music.

Seriously, don't. It's one of the worst things you can do to a song.

Think about your favorite song in the entire world. Why do you like it so much? I would be willing to bet that  the most popular answer to that is something along the lines of it giving you some sort of feeling. The best songs make you feel happy, sad, powerful, etc... They invoke a feeling inside of you.

That happens when you listen to music and it shouldn't be any different when you are writing music. You need to "feel" the words you are saying, the melodies coming out of the piano, the changes, the beat of the drum... everything. When you stop doing that to over-criticize each part and talk too much about when changes should happen, you lose that feeling. If you lose that when writing, than you will surely fail to invoke a special feeling in anyone who listens to the final product. Whatever feeling you put into it, is what will come out of it. If you talk for long periods of time about the structure, than your song is going to just sound like random parts put together. It will sound forced. It's like putting together a puzzle and jamming the wrong pieces together to "make it fit." If you do that, in the end you will have nothing but a shitty puzzle that doesn't create a full picture.

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